
About EngageSDG

The project targets HEIs in South Africa, Mauritius and Zambia. It includes 6 SADC institutions, 5 EU HEIs, and 2 associations, SARUA and OBREAL Global. Beneficiaries include university leaders, academic staff, administrative and technical staff, and role-players in communities across the SADC region. The project which will commence in 2024 and run till 2027 aims to provide a sustainable set of capacity-building tools that will support our network members in the use of participatory approaches. We intend to embed the results of this project into our community of practice for engagement.

  • To develop a report on the State of Play relating to the use PAs in HE in three SADC countries.
  • To develop a conceptual framework, and supporting digital ecosystem, to support decision-making, capacity development and collaboration amongst HEIs in the SADC in the use of PAs for local engagement.
  • To develop the capacity of HEIs in South Africa, Mauritius and Zambia, and in the SADC more widely, to adopt PAs for local engagement.
  • To create a sustainable SARUA community of practice for the use of PAs in community-oriented knowledge production.
EngageSDG 5

SARUA’s Vision and Mission

The power of the network

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